matryoshka dolls, no explanation, scary

matryoshka dolls. really?

this needs no explanation. it scares me, though. and i want to see the doll inside this doll, and the doll inside the doll that is inside this doll, and the doll inside the doll that is inside the doll that is inside this doll, and the doll that is inside the doll that is inside the doll that is inside the doll that is inside this doll. and if there are more, i want to see those as well.


geek, nerd, squeal, star wars, stuck pig, yoga, youwillnotbelieve blog

oh, if you are a geeky nerdy star wars lover who loves yoga, this will make you squeal like a stuck pig.

if you aren’t, tough noogies. i had to post this stuff…way too good for anyone to miss. behold the following, luke…you have the power.

i posted this stuff without the consent of its owner, but any press is good press, right?


bill hicks, cigarettes, died too young, pancreatic cancer, smart comedian, Uncategorized

bill hicks left us way too early.

he died at the tender age of 31, of pancreatic cancer. some reading this blah-g may not even know who he was. this is a big tragedy because he was one of the best comics…bold, irreverent, smart, and i could go on forever. but watching the doco is far better than a m0dschm0d blah-g post. below is a link to part 1 of 7.

if you do know who bill hicks is, you’ll groove heartily. get your cigarettes and start watching.

evil, filipino, imelda marcos, impractical, naughty, s/he who has the most money wins, shoes, wacky shoes, WTF?

shoes: still an obsession.

imelda marcos has done some mighty naughty and evil things. i don’t condone any of her abborant behavior. yet there remains one thing for which i will always admire her. she let the world know, in no uncertain terms, that shoes were essential to many a woman’s existence. by having thousands of pairs, she also let the world know about the filipino culture in a nutshell: s/he who has the most, wins.

i’ve been collecting images of wacky shoes for a while, and it’s time to play show and tell. do let me know what you think goes on in the minds of designers…because with some of the shoes, i am at a complete and total loss. i throw my hands in the hair and mouth WTF, because i just don’t get it. 


painful to see, painful to wear and incredibly impractical.

painful to see, painful to wear and incredibly impractical.

the only pair of shoes i've seen that 1) you must remove to use the toilet, and 2) the shoes are connected. (connected shoes usually implies someone has tied your laces together so you will trip.)

the only pair of shoes i've seen that 1) you must remove to use the toilet, and 2) the shoes are connected. (connected shoes usually implies someone has tied your laces together so you will trip.)


okay, as with the boots above, what is with the bare feet action at the front? all beach in front, all glamour in back? not only are these impractical, i find them unattractive as well.

okay, as with the boots above, what is with the bare feet action at the front? all beach in front, all glamour in back? not only are these impractical, i find them unattractive as well.

camera, camera encrusted van, obsessed, oddity, surveillance

this thing is so obvious, it’s swung all the way round on the wheel and become covert.

allow me to explain. there once was a d00d with a van. he had a bunch of cameras. he wanted to take pictures with the cameras, but he wanted spontaneous photos. voila! he covered his van with working cameras (not a bare inch to spare except on the top) so naturally, passers by think the van is covered with something, of which they know not. if the passers by happen to sort that the items clinging to the van are cameras, they naturally think they are of the discarded, non-functioning variety. who would be sufficiently insane to cover a van with real, working cameras?

i’m all for covert surveillance, to be in on a good, juicy secret, but this is just too much work!


exterior shot of the encrusted vehicle.

exterior shot of the encrusted vehicle.


a cheeky message adorns the top of the van

a cheeky message adorns the top of the van

using the small cameras as mosaic pieces to form a large, van sized camera.

using the small cameras as mosaic pieces to form a large, van sized camera.

the innards, command central, where it all happens.

the innards, command central, where it all happens.

jetsons, kinzo-air, made in berlin, red dot award, the future, the future is coming!

we want the future and we want it NOW.


lamenting the lack of futuristic items designed and in homes is a daily mantra for me. when i was five, i really thought the world would be like “the jetsons” and everyone would dress in correges, gernreich, cardin and mary quant. imagine my brief reprieve when i saw this:

kinzo air [a new futuristic workplace] and airlite [the red, circular suspended lamp] were developed by creative design team kinzo berlin. kinzo’s designs are light, progressive and powerful. the items are made in germany and manufactured by the berlin-based company bau+art. dig the great looks below:





asian origin, ginger hair, hairy doll, hirsute doll, root canal in third world country, scary items, what the fuck?

this thing is as scary as getting a root canal in a third world country.

i saw this absolutey amazing thing and couldn’t believe my eyes. yes, this hirsute doll exists. yes, the owner [or giftee] is meant to shave the offending surfeit of “hair”.

on top of being completely speechless why such a toy was designed, manufactured and marketed, i have the following questions:

  • what kind of person would purchase this for their own amusement?
  • what kind of person would purchase this item for a gift?
  • what kind of person would be a potential giftee?
  • who is the assumed audience for this oddity?
  • does the doll arrive with appropriate shaving accoutrements?
  • the doll illustrated has ginger hair. this begs two questions within a question:
    • presuming this is an asian product, why does the doll have ginger hair which is in the minority?
    • does the doll come in other hair colors?
  • who thought this doll was a good idea?
  • why so much hair in the pubic area?
  • why so much hair in the pubic area?
  • why so much hair in the pubic area? 

this doll defies so many concepts in my personal gestalt that i want to see one in person. and say “what the fuck?” to its face.

